Support the Opposition of Weddington Golf and Tennis Development By Sending a Postcard

Hello Supporters,
Thank you for attending the Special SCNC meeting on Sept. 8. The huge 350+ turnout had the desired impact on the Neighborhood Council boardmembers and on the owner's representatives. Not one attendee spoke in support of the owner's project.
Important Next Steps:
PLEASE PRINT this email, cut out the postcard at bottom, fill in the information, put in envelope with stamp and then mail it to:
Studio City Residents Association (SCRA)
P.O.Box 1374
Studio City, CA 91614
*Only do so if you haven't already filled one out. We're collecting them to give to Councilmember Krekorian. We must let him know we oppose the zone change at Weddington Golf and Tennis!
Also, please send in your Public Comment letter opposing the development to Adam Villani at City Planning by Sept. 30. More information on this and a Sample letter template you may you use and revise is on our website at
Please forward this email to your friends too!
Thank you!!
Save LA River Open Space and the SCRA.
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Dear Councilmember Krekorian,
Thank you for your service and leadership within our community. You have frequently been identified as a supporter of Save LA River Open Space and their efforts to preserve Weddington Golf and Tennis as open space for recreational uses. The Weddington parcel as you know is the largest remaining unprotected open space on the L.A. River in the San Fernando Valley. A flawed DEIR has been filed which would divide the parcel with cynical zoning changes. This would allow demolition of the tennis courts and construction of a dense condo complex that would compromise recreation for Studio City residents and the surrounding area, jeopardize the vision of the L.A. River Revitalization Master Plan, and add unwanted congestion and infrastructure demands to the community. The timing is particularly bad given the projected work on the Harvard Westlake site and Sportsmen's Lodge which will exacerbate the damage.
Please join me in fighting this project in keeping with your historical position on the issue, and let's preserve Studio City's unique character. How can I help?
Respectfully yours,
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