Welcome to the Things To Do In The San Fernando Valley page. This page is a compilation for things to see and do while in the San Fernando Valley as the title suggests to provide residents and visitors, ideas and tips when just cant seem to think of something to do . This page was compiled by researching vast resources on the internet as well as common knowledge of popular hang outs. This page is by no means the definitive master list for all things to do in the SFV. I tried my best to list everything I can so if I missed something, please contact me at SFValleyblog@gmail.com and I will make the necessary updates.
While researching for this site, I came across an amazing article that also serves as a mini-history of the San Fernando Valley. This article was written by Christopher Reynolds at the Los Angeles Times, entitled 11 Micro-Itineraries For The San Fernando Valley. I also have this article reproduced on this blog in case it becomes disabled here. The LA Times also has a Travel page dedicated to the San Fernando Valley that provides a quick overview.
You can also check out the following sites for more info:
- The San Fernando Valley Wikitravel Page
- The Official Guide Los Angeles - San Fernando Valley Neighborhood
- The Valley Economic Alliance Visitor's Guide
- San Fernando Valley Historical Society Landmarks Page
- North Hollywood.info Website Points of Interest Page
In addition to the above-mentioned sites, I reproduced a lot of the same info on this blog below. The first section is dedicated to historical sites which can be seen in the map below. The rest of the page includes Museums, Theme Parks/Attractions, Art/Culture, Education, Dining, Shopping, Nightlife, Movie Theaters, Hotels, and Libraries.
Museum of the American West (aka Gene Autry) (Griffith Park)
Nethercutt Collection and Museum (Sylmar)
Theme Parks/Attractions
Universal Studios Hollywood (Universal City)
Los Angeles Zoo & Botanical Gardens (Griffith Park)
Griffith Observatory (Griffith Park)
Six Flags Magic Mountain & Hurricane Harbor (Valenica, I know, its not in the Valley but close to it)
F-1 Engine Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Canoga Park
Studio City Car Wash Hand Holding a 1957 Corvette
Giant Scissors Woodland Hills
Griffith Observatory (Griffith Park)
Carney's (Studio City)
Bob's Big Boy #6 (Burbank)
FrightFair Scream Park (After Dark at Pierce College, Woodland Hills)
LA Connection Comedy Theatre (Sherman Oaks)
Laserium (Van Nuys)
Movie Theaters
Laemmle's Town Center 5 Movie Theatre (Encino)