San Fernando Valley History/Culture Test

I was randomly browsing through the interweb when I found this great set of questions regarding San Fernando Valley History/Culture at the Competition Plus Forum (Drag Racing's Internet Magazine).
The following questions were posted by TopFuel@Lions:
If you lived in the San Fernando Valley in the 50s, 50s, or 70s, did you ever.........?A little trip down the SF Valley memory lane.
- Go to Bobs Big Boy on Van Nuys Blvd for the hot car hop bettys and the 99 cent Big Boy Combo?
- Did you ever cruise Van Nuys Blvd on Wed nights?
- Did you ever get a Cupids Hot Dog on Victory Blvd.
- Eat a high-end meal at Otto's Pink Pig?
- Go to the drags at San Fernando Raceway?
- Go to the circle track races at Whiteman Stadium?
- Eat at Thriftys Drug Store's coffee shop?
- Have breakfast at Coffee Dan's A-frame style restaurant?
- Drive down Van Nuys Blvd during Christmas with all those great decorations?
- Drive by Ed Pink Racing Engines to see what drag racers were there?
- Watch or participate in the street races on San Fernando Road?
- Eat great Italian food at Lido Pizza at Victory and Sepulveda Blvds?
- Wonder why folks living south of Ventura Blvd were so snooty and smug?
- Ever see the drag racing x-mas tree count down at the speed shop on Van Nuys blvd near Magnolia.
- Did you ever hang out at Service Center Speed Shop at Victory and Sepulveda hoping to catch a racer or 3,or5, or ??
- Ever knock off a cold one at the Tender Trap or Bourbon Square??
- Did you ever go to the Sepulveda, Victory, Van Nuys, or Reseda Drive-In movies??
Wednesday nights on Van Nuys..and Saugaus on saturday nights!