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Voice Your Concerns for the Metro Orange Line Sustainable Corridor Implementation Plan

If you are a heavy or even occassional user of the Metro Orange Line in the San Fernando Valley, you have the opportunity to voice your concerns/opinons for improvements in what is termed the Metro Orange Line Sustainable Corridor Implementation Plan. 

Back in November 2011, a series of public workshops were held to gather initial input but more is still needed. A second meeting was held on January 11, 2012 to discuss corridor-level recommendations and initiated a group exercise to obtain the vision and land use alternatives fore each station area. 

Some of the item agendas are the following:
  1. Extension to Burbank
  2. Expanded capacity
  3. Add station at White Oak
  4. Add station at Coldwater Canyon
  5. Improve north-south transit service.
  6. Better transit transfers.
  7. Extended hours
  8. Upgrade nearby transit facilities
  9. Burbank Airport Connection
  10. Employer and College Incentives
There are also Bicycle, Pedestrian Access and Environment, and Roadway and Park Improvements. Below is an example of the Van Nuys station (#2 after North Hollywood) ideas for improvement which include mixed use, residential, and employment developments.

You can access their website to complete a quick online survey to provide input on your preferred station and even provide comments on  other stations. The website also contains meeting minutes and presentation. Since I live in the West Valley, I tend to use the Orange Line to access downtown for weekend activities, so my suggestion would be if they could make an express service with the lights synchronized so that the bus never stops until it reaches North Hollywood. I know its wishful thinking but throwing it out there since Metro is asking. 

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Marty Mcfly

Anything and everything about the San Fernando Valley. This blog will take you back in time when the valley was covered with dirt and orange groves to a leader in the space race to its current status as America's suburb. Come along and join me on this adventure, I guarantee you have been influenced/impacted by the San Fernando Valley in one form or another even if you have never visited or heard of the SFV.

2 comments to ''Voice Your Concerns for the Metro Orange Line Sustainable Corridor Implementation Plan"

  1. This is just a way to play to developers. Thank you for posting. Can we find out who is on the committee that will be making recommendations? Metro is being very sly about the 100 or so folks who have control over our neighborhoods. How can we find meeting minutes for the committee meetings?

  2. From the website link I provided in the post above, you can contact Metro at 213-922-1100 or email sustainability@metro.net


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