Catherine Mulholland Exhibit Opens At CSUN Library

After Catherine Mulholland passed away on July 7, 2011 which we discussed here, she had a huge collection of personal artifacts from her family (most notably, William Mulholland, inventor of the LA River Aqueduct System) and the San Fernando Valley in general. Well, all those relics, photographs, documents, and even clothes are now available for viewing at the CSUN Library.
The L.A. Daily News got a sneak peak and compiled a video below. There is also an article, Catherine Mulholland Collection at CSUN Gives Look At Storied Family, History by Bob Strauss, on September 18, 2011. To quote from the article:
I'm hoping that, in addition to telling the personal story of the Mulholland family and telling the story of how the San Fernando Valley came to be, that people who come to the exhibit will see their own history and the part their families might have played in this story," Lovich said.Really excited to see this in the coming days.
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