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[Update December 2, 2011]: Celebrity Real Estate: Good News, Tori Spelling Leaving Encino

[Update December 2, 2011]: This home sold for $2,500,000 on December 1, 2011 representing a massive loss of $445,000 in less than three years. Additionally, this home took 9 months to sell and was reduced $699,000 from original list price.

According to the hilarious Your Mama at the Real Estalker, Tori Spelling has listed her Encino Mansion (6,718 sqft, 6 BD/6.5BA) on the Market with a list price of $3,199,000. She purchased this property with her husband, Dean McDermott, in October 2008 for $2,945,000. Based on today's lousy market, she might even take a loss when you factor commissions. 

Most people probably remember her from the Beverly Hills, 90210 Series in the 90's. I think she does some reality shows today. Dont think it matters as she is probably set for life from her deceased father, Aaron.

Rumor has it that she is heading back over the hill to probably live in Beverly Hills, Bel Air, or Holmby Hills.

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Marty Mcfly

Anything and everything about the San Fernando Valley. This blog will take you back in time when the valley was covered with dirt and orange groves to a leader in the space race to its current status as America's suburb. Come along and join me on this adventure, I guarantee you have been influenced/impacted by the San Fernando Valley in one form or another even if you have never visited or heard of the SFV.

1 comment to ''[Update December 2, 2011]: Celebrity Real Estate: Good News, Tori Spelling Leaving Encino"

  1. Sadly she didn't inherit a penny from her father, her mom is the millionare.


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