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First Post

Welcome to the first post of this blog!!!

My goal is to educate and entertain regarding all matters of the San Fernando Valley. I dont really have a plan or a set agenda to cover. Since this blog is started by me and me only, there will obvisously be a bias towards things that interest me so I will try to be objective. This is sort of an experiment so will see how this works. I am guessing that it will either be widly successful or a grand failure. My friends think I am crazy for my interest in the Valley so I guess I will find out how many other people in this world share this same madness (if any).

A little about me, I actually wasnt born in the Valley but moved here from Canada with my parents in the late 80's. I have been living in Canoga Park ever since moving. I am a product of the Catholic school system in the Valley having attended Our Lady of the Valley, Chaminade, and Alemany. For college, I of course attended Cal State Northridge earning a bachelors and masters degrees.  I currently work in the vally for a major corporation (what a suprise).

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Marty Mcfly

Anything and everything about the San Fernando Valley. This blog will take you back in time when the valley was covered with dirt and orange groves to a leader in the space race to its current status as America's suburb. Come along and join me on this adventure, I guarantee you have been influenced/impacted by the San Fernando Valley in one form or another even if you have never visited or heard of the SFV.

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